Sunday, December 4, 2016

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There are several defense mechanism one conducts in intimate relationships. Knox and Schacht (2016) define four specific defense mechanisms in Chapter 8 which include escapism, rationalization, projection, and displacement. Knox and Schacht (2016) define defense mechanisms as techniques that function below the level of awareness to protect individuals from anxiety and to minimize emotional hurt. The first defense mechanism is escapism which states to be the simultaneous denial of and avoidance of dealing with a problem. The second one is rationalization which is the cognitive justification for one's own behavior that unconsciously conceals one's true motives. Projection is attributing one's own thoughts, feelings, and desires to someone else while avoiding recognition that these are one's own thoughts, feelings, and desires. Finally, displacement is defined as shifting your feelings, thoughts, or behaviors from the person who evokes them onto someone else.
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I recently hit my three year mark with my boyfriend not to long ago. I have definitely noticed that I use some of these defense mechanisms towards him. I hate to say it,but I'm sure most of us have done it at least once, but I tend to use displacement on him due to all the stressors I have as a full time employee and a part-time student. As soon as he says "how was your day?" I tend to release my anger and frustration towards him because I wasn't able to do it at work, with customers, or even at school. This is why I chose this topic.

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In a recent study conducted by Martino et. al. (2008), they researched differences in the development of heavy drinking and marijuana use among students and assessed whether any differences can be accounted for by locality differences in racial/ethnic makeup, social disorganization, low social bonding, feelings of despondency and escapism with the availability to drugs.  The results were heavy drinking increased at a faster rate among youth living in micropolitan areas compared with youth living in metropolitan areas compared with youth living in noncore areas.  These defense mechanism are not only affecting the relationship, but also the health of many people. People may turn to drugs and alcohol and using these substances by escaping their daily struggles.

In a magazine article by Susan Krauss Whitborne (2011), she lists the 9 most common defense mechanisms. These 9 defense mechanisms include denial, repression, regression, displacement, projection, reaction formation, intellectualization, rationalization, and sublimation. This following youtube video demonstrates the different types of defense mechanisms and also gives examples of what it may look like.

The following video also examines an individual whose defense mechanism includes projecting her feelings and introduces how she feels about this habit. 

This last video is a fun video introducing different examples of defense mechanisms demonstrating them in short clips from films.

Knox, D. (2016). Choices in relationships: An introduction to marriage and the family (12th ed.). St. Paul: West Pub.

Martino, S. C., Ellickson, P.L., & McCaffrey, D.F. (2008). Developmental trajectories of substance use from early to late adolescence: A comparison of rural and urban youth. Journal Of Studies On Alcohol And Drug, 69(3), 430-440. doi:10.15288/jsad.2008.69.430

(n.d.). The Essential Guide to Defense Mechanisms. Retrieved December 05, 2016, from 

(n.d.). Retrieved December 04, 2016, from